Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Painful Day

Today I had one of my worst days of the year so far. It began with a little niggle on the left side of my abdomen which rapidly grew into an unbearable shooting pain. It reached a point where I could barely stand up, so I took some time off work and slept off on a couch in another office so no one could find me. Funny enough, the CEO of the company walked in, had a chat with one of the girls in the office and walked out... and didn't even spot me :)

The pain has been going up and down all day and I'm clueless about why or how it came to be... it's just there... constantly poking at me as if to say "Hi... I'm still here... can you feel it?" I had dinner and went out with a few friends to my favorite place in town to distract myself and it worked well... I distracted myself with some photography again. It's really cool to be able to do so!

Anyway, the bottom line is I'm still in a lot of pain and I'm sincerely hoping it goes away tonight!! I desperately need to catch up on some sleep!

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