Thursday, February 17, 2011

Crazy days

Just thought I'd touch base...

I've been sleeping 3 hours a night on average for the last couple of weeks. It's been intense trying to maintain a balance, but I never expected to be this busy. I've got a massive bag full of tracks pending and I will be needing some help to mix the songs I've been recording. 

I've been getting a lot of projects on a weekly basis, and it has come to a point where I have to put all new recording projects on hold. I really need to catch up on some rest over the weekend, but I don't see that happening either. I need to go to Melbourne for a break, but I'm not sure if I'll be going since I'd like to attend a ceremony at work around the same time...

If a day had 30 hours... you'd probably find me like this on my bed....

And no it wouldn't mean that I'm drunk... I'm just a mad machine who can go without sleep for days on end, and still be productive and creative. I've been working on some incredible projects lately that have pushed my mental, physical, creative and emotional boundaries and it's been a pleasure pushing myself to these new limits.

1 comment:

  1. Good on you for pushing through! The creative rewards are huge!
    But don't kid yourself into thinking you can keep it up.
    Your body will go on strike and force you to rest. It is a natural mechanism of the body to recover after a long stint of running for your life from sabre tooth tigers!
    But enjoy the creative juices while they still flow.
    Cute puppy BTW!! <3 <3 She looks like she is meditating or just finishing her yoga routine! ;-D
